Russia to register worlds first COVID-19 vaccine on August 12: Report

Russia to register worlds first COVID-19 vaccine on August 12: Report
Russia to register worlds first COVID-19 vaccine on August 12

Russia is all set to become the first country, worldwide, to register a COVID-19 vaccine on August 12, 2020. The country's Deputy Health Minister, Oleg Gridnev has confirmed that a vaccine against COVID-19 is all set to be registered.

'The vaccine developed by the Gamaleya centre will be registered on August 12. At the moment, the last, third, stage is underway. The trials are extremely important. We have to understand that the vaccine must be safe. Medical professionals and senior citizens will be the first to get vaccinated,' Gridnev told reporters at the opening of a cancer centre building in the city of Ufa, reported TOI.

The vaccine has been developed jointly by the Gamaleya Research Institute and Russian Defence Ministry. 

Another report last week had stated that Russia is also planning to begin mass production of a coronavirus vaccine from next month. 

Reports of the country approving the first vaccine for public-use by mid-August had also come to light previously.

Till now, no vaccine for COVID-19 has been approved for public use. According to the WHO, six vaccines are under phase 3 trials. Meanwhile, coronavirus cases globally stand at more than 19 million, with more than 7 lakh deaths that have occurred so far due to the viral disease.

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