Gaganyaan: India’s Ambitious Human Spaceflight Programme

Scientific Soul Organisation
India is making strides in the field of space exploration with its ambitious Gaganyaan mission. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is designing a crewed orbital spacecraft that will carry three people and orbit the Earth at an altitude of 400 km for up to seven days. The first crewed mission was originally planned for December 2021 but has since been delayed to no earlier than 2025.

The Gaganyaan Programme is a major national effort by ISRO. The organization will coordinate the overall program, as well as handle systems engineering and implementation. The human-rated launch vehicle, crew escape system, Orbital module, and essential infrastructure will all be realized by ISRO utilizing in-house expertise and with the participation of Industry, Academia, and National agencies.

This mission represents a significant step forward for India’s space program and has the potential to bring numerous benefits to the country. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!

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