The Future of Education: Top Degrees and Scenarios

Scientific Soul Organisation
As we look towards the future, it’s important to consider what education might look like and what degrees will be in demand. According to Best Degree Programs, some of the top degrees for the future include Sustainable and Renewable Energy, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Atmospheric Sciences, Game Design, Epidemiology, The Internet of Things, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. In addition to considering what degrees will be in demand, it’s also important to think about how education itself might change. The World Economic Forum has published an article discussing four scenarios for what education might look like in 20 years. These scenarios include modernizing and extending current schooling as well as re-envisioning the spaces where learning takes place. As we move towards the future, it will be important to keep an eye on these developments and consider how we can best prepare ourselves for the changing landscape of education.

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