How to Submit a Sitemap for Your Blogger Blog to Google Search Console

Scientific Soul Organisation

How to Submit a Sitemap for Your Blogger Blog to Google Search Console

Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console for A Blogspot Blog

1. Visit your Blogger blog and copy your website/blog URL.

2. Visit the official website of Google Search Console and sign in with your Google Account or sign up for a new account.

3. After logging in, a pop-up will appear to add a property. You need to add a URL Prefix property.

4. If your website property is verified, then that’s very good. If not, then it will provide you with a google-site-verification meta tag.

5. Edit the Blogger theme and add the HTML meta tag between the `<head>` and `</head>` section and save the theme.

6. Now, you can verify your property in Google Search Console. Now can find a list to blogs with thumbnails and blog URLs.

7. Select one blog to submit a sitemap.

How to Submit a Sitemap for Your Blogger Blog to Google Search Console

If you have a Blogger blog and want to submit your sitemap to Google Search Console (GSC), there are a few things you need to know. First, the standard sitemap link for Blogger blogs is limited to 500 pages. This means that if your blog has more than 500 pages, you'll need to use a different link.

The standard sitemap link for Blogger blogs is:


If your blog has more than 500 pages, you'll need to use this link instead:


However, before you submit either of these links to GSC, there's one important thing you need to do. You can't directly submit these links on the GSC sitemap section. Instead, you need to paste the link into the robots.txt file under your Blogger settings. Once you've saved the robots.txt update, you can then submit the sitemap.xml on GSC.

If your website has more than 500 pages, remember to paste both URLs into your Blogger robots.txt file. This time, you can use the common URL 


to submit on your GSC.

We hope this guide helps you successfully submit your Blogger sitemap to Google Search Console. If you have any problems or questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

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